Contaminated water treated
Soiltech is an innovative technology company specializing in the treatment, recycling and sustainable handling of contaminated water and solid waste at site.
Soiltech’s technologies enable cost savings and lower CO2 emissions through waste reduction, waste recovery and reuse.
Reduced CO2 emissions
Equivalent to annual emissions from
Proprietary technologies and a complete range of cleantech waste management services
Soiltech is an innovative cleantech service provider specializing in the treatment, recycling and sustainable handling of contaminated water and solid industrial waste streams. Soiltech’s purpose is to provide clean technologies for a greener future.
Soiltech designs, builds, owns and operates its treatment technologies, providing services in close cooperation with the customer on their sites. We also offer biodegradable chemistry and solutions for treatment of produced water, and contaminated water in aquaculture, municipals and other industries.